Websites I find neat or interesting. These links are in no specific order.
- Arch Wiki: Best Linux wiki on the web
- The Useless Web: Random websites
- Suckless: Cool software
- IPFS: A decentralized file system/storage system
- Matrix: A great chat system with lots of features
- RFC1855: Internet etiquette guidelines
- Jami: A better, free version of Zoom
- GNU: Free software
- FSF Directory: Free software directory
- A search engine for small websites
- Marginalia: A search engine for non-commercial websites
- Fediverse: Collection of federated social media
- Heaven Tree: A webring that I am in
- OpenBSD: A very secure and useful BSD distribution
- DragonFlyBSD: A BSD distribution focused on performance
- troff papers: Papers, manuals, and references for troff/groff
- Teach Yourself CS: Read the title
- The American Dream: An interesting story I read long ago
- Long Form Math: Some really good math books
- HyperPhysics: Cheat sheets for topics in physics
- QBE: LLVM in 10% of the code
- cproc: A very small C compiler based on QBE
- tcc: A tiny C compiler (and probably my favorite C compiler)
- Minipeg: A minimal parser generator for C
- XMPP: A better chat protocol than Matrix
- Zig: A programming language that aims to be just as simple and fast as C
Web pins